Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just a Taste

Of the second coming... gonna go live soon. Quake and such...

I Wanna...

Put him on my tongue and eat him alive.
Lick his spine and taste his life.
Wake up wondering if I'm imagining everything.
Writhe and shake.
Beat my hands against the walls and try to escape.
Repeat his sounds.
Keep him in my mouth to remember his name.
Stretch my legs around his world and squeeze.
Stop being frustrated.
Punch, kick and yell.
Tuck my panties in my back pocket and dance.
Swallow him whole.
Whisper "por mi vida" while I scratch his soul.
Vent my sticky-ness.
Fuck up his sheets.
Make that noise, that noise, that noise, our noise.
Wake up the dead.
Kill reality.

I wanna.
Well, you know.

M, out...

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