I do like drupal 5.0.
But I can't find a theme that I like.
This is taking longer than I thought.
M. Bravo! struggling...
Update March 20, 2007 9:41 am
Ok, so I'm adding stuff bit by bit every day.
My lap is getting closer to going wireless.
I'm going to stop estimating launch dates since life is all over the place right now and I'm just spitting in the wind.
I am still deleriously happy.
I'm going to go add the shopping section now.
M, out...
Update March 5, 2007 4:13 pm
I put the "pretty site" back up. I wasn't trying to use the roafi picture that was up there but I'm tired of hearing "yo M, I think your site is broke" so I am just going to have to deal until I can get copies from a more recent shoot.
Everything else is still the same. I'm making what moves I can as fast as I can.
Oh yeah, I'm blogging over there now. Something to do when I want to vent or whatever. The section is called Blahgs...
Otherwise, yeah, you still gotta wait.
Deal with it.
M, out...
Update February 27, 2007 1:10 PM
Aw people...
I know, I know...
I'm slacking on my pimping but my life is unfolding in strange, beautiful ways.
In Mala News:
Thanks to the assistance of the incomparable Matty, there will be wi-fi in my lap.
NY... I'm so over you.
I certainly am...
Antigua's 50th year of independence gets celebrated this summer with the fam. Oh those white beaches. Gonna get brown and dunk my toesies
Sweating at the plantation, but laughing with Marcy makes it worth it (ok, that and the paycheck).
Chillin with the fam... you know there's plenty, plenty food involved. And a little bit of grief but, we'll make it through.
We surely will.
Laughing with migente, even the ambiguously gay ones that sorta wanna date me.
Spending lots of time watching a man fall in love.
(con mi... maravilloso,no? Sí!!!!)
Just been busy.
In Mala Mag News:
I've taken down the "pretty" site and just put up a basic functional model. I need to get some masthead and themework done as well as remove the current photo as I don't deal with the person that took it and I vowed not to use/promote their work without permission (that I do not at all intend to ask for).
Never fear, the old look and feel will return.
I have managed to work on content.
I'm still on the grind.
Keep bearing with me.
Well... because... I'm cute.
M, out....
Update February 15, 2007 12:06 PM
I am a very, very, VERY happy woman.
& I think this is it.
I believe I've finally got things right.
Bravo! *heart*
In website news:
I have not been working as I should. I admit this fact readily and I do have valid reasons which I mentioned before. Anyway, lack of internet and time will no longer be an issue as of Wednesday, February 20, 2007. I will begin content addition on that day. If you all have anything you would like posted (snippets, pictures and such) feel free to send it to mala@malamag.com. Tentative launch date: March 14, 2007.
Thanks for bearing with me.
M, out...
Update February 7, 2007 12:45 pm
Um, don't spank me but I haven't been able to get much done in terms of the site. My wireless at home is down and I've been absolutely swamped. Between "workin' fo da man" and getting some side projects done (*giggle* - side projects - *giggle*) I haven't had much time to diddle with the dongle or trek it anywhere else to pimp the net. Like I noted before, the general configuration of the entire site is 98% complete. I am now ready for content. I am hoping to get it all in as soon as possible. However, at the rate things are going, I won't be able to dedicate much time to content addition until next Monday.
Forgive me.
Pretty please?
In other news...
I have a feeling that I am going to be very happy very soon.
I missed the signing by the artists last night (boo hiss - Matty I got the message too late dagnabit) but I can live with that.
I can definitely live with getting that comic in my hands.
It's gonna happen.
It BETTER happen!
M, out....
This has nothing to do with my website.
So don't say I didn't warn you....
"The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed."
I read those words for the first time when I was thirteen.
It has been a long, long, deep, deep, love affair.
Quite possibly one of the longest I have ever had in my life.
And now, with the assistance of the Tale Master, they bring the saga forward.
They give it color.
They give face.
They prompt our imaginations so that we may change it or conform to it.
Everything that happens with this series prompts me to feel.
If you love me
you want me to be your slave:

The purchase and presentation of this new comic could not only make me very happy but could make some poor fool VERY lucky...
You have no idea how lucky.
I break fool for graphic novels.
I began the Gunslinger when I was just a wee lass and now as a grown wee lass I still re-consume it.
The last Gunslinger has been given form
Movie next?
I don't know but I'm so effin pumped.
Do you see the ink?
Do you see the detail?
Do you see?
I am amped.
February 7th...
I am thoroughly excited.
And I do mean EXCITED!!!!
If you know me then you know how much this means to me.
Yeah buddy.
M, out...
Um, P.S. I'm done tweaking. All content is being removed to be replaced. Launch looming. Bear with me.
Update Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:54 p.m.
Let's see.
A month has gone by and I feel pretty damn good about the future. I'm finally getting down to the last legs of this site so I can finally start adding content... and boy do I have a load of content. The final few things I have to work out is something within the theme template that's causing a shitload of call-to-file errors that are driving me bat shit. Also, making me a little nutty is the fact that my php template keeps adding carriage returns out of no friggin where whenever I save file so it keeps generating "cannot modify header" errors. My watchdog files are filled to the damn brim. Grrrr Arrrgh. Still and all, most of the things that truly cause major breaks are cleared up and that makes me happy. I don't think I am going to mess with any more modules for the time being. I'll finish my final tweaks and that's it, it will be on to content addition.
Bear with me.
Oh and um...
my article was published.
"No weapon formed against thee shall prosper" Isaiah 54:17
Back to work.
M, published...
Side note 1/23/2006...
"Friends are nothing more than enemies who have yet to betray you."
M, out....
Back to the grind.
Update Monday, January 22, 2007
I'm electing to stay with Drupal 4.7 for now. The upgrade would cause the loss of way too much functionality. Fuck that in its entirety. I've worked too hard to lose anything right now. Having said that I am going to stop playing fast and loose with the 5.0 test site and really get back to the final touches on the current site. I have a strong feeling that by next week I'll be able to devote all of my time to adding content.
On some personal shit:
To anyone that feels that I am not their friend, shit happens... take a pill. Its not that deep. I just do not have the patience to fake what I am not feeling, play kiddy games or pretend.
To anyone that has handed me my hat recently, I hope you enjoyed that shit because I don't wear those sorts of hats anymore.
To anyone that I have forgiven: feels good don't it?
I've got a tooth ache so I'm superbly grumpy.
I love life.
Really I do.
I'm gonna get back to work now.
Quake, bitches.
M, out...
Update Tuesday January 16 8:57 p.m.
730 is in stable condition. My heart has resumed beating. God is good every day.
Um and DRUPAL 5.0 has been released bitches. Upgrade in progress.
M, out...
Update: Sunday, January 7 , 1:39 p.m.
730 took 2 to the chest, 1 to the groin.
Web work on hold. Won't be answering e-mails. Can barely think.
Too busy praying.
M, out...
P. Ok, it is out of hand S. (Updated 1/6/2007 3:35 a.m.)
Anyone who has created an account during this beta stage and found that they could not change their password may now do so. The correct access permissions have been modified. The beta build continues. And remember: I am that chick.
Have at it then!
M, out...
P. yep I be thuggin S. (Updated 1/2/2007)
They call me the Drupal ninja. My modification dragon style beats your WordPress tiger style every day motherfuckers. Image gallery navigation problems: FIXED. Contact form customization: DONE. I'm a bad mothershutyomouf.
M, out...
P.to the P.P.P.S0.
AYO I am happier than I have any damn right to be. (UPDATED 12/27/06 2:28 p.m.!!)
Ok so here's the deal. I'm anal retentive. Big surprise. So there is functionality that allows me to add images to any kind of content I create. I wanted to use it to display images of things to vote on in polls. Long story short, the shit wasn't workin right. I would upload an image. The thumbnail of the image would be created with a link that was supposed to let the user go see the full sized image, except it wasn't working like that. The link kept going back to the original page. I WAS FURIOUS. When I tell you I have been working on this issue for like 4 fucking days, I mean that shit. After intensive search as well as realizing DUH modules can be edited in friggin notepad it's just PHP!!! I found the answer that I needed, which was a simple change in the module code. I've fixed/implemented my very first php snippet. WEPA MARICONS! Onwards and upwards. Mala Vida keeps moving!
But you know this just started something, don'tcha? Because you know
Holler back.
And Quake bitches!
M, out...
P. when I put it on the S. (Updated 12/22/06 6:46 a.m.)
The site is down for major maintenance and content porting. Because of the holidays, I gotta spend time with family and tie one on so I'll be back around Tuesday or so. In the mean time: QUAKE IN FEAR!!!
and uh, Happy Everyday.
M, out...
P. and you know thiS. (Updated 12/18/06)
My apologies to everyone who had text image verification issues on the registration page. For some strange reason the module just does not want to cooperate with my cute behind. I removed it. Anyone who could not register before because of this error can go back now and get they get on! Oh yeah, quit it with the nasty emails, I'm building the damn site alone - shit takes time. For fuck's sake.
M, out...
I'm so serious with the P.S. (12/16/06)
I didn't realize I didn't give members permission to do shit. Ahahahahaha (nah for real I laughed for like a half an hour when I caught on) I changed that. Regular members can post and add n shit. Premium members can get all up in my business for real.
M, out...
P.P.S. (12/15/06)
I fixed the registration email issues. If you register now, you'll actually get your password. Friggin SMTP. I still love the hell out of drupal.
M, out...
P.S. Message (12/14/06)
Internet Explorer fucking blows ass. It distorts my entire site.
Fuck Internet Explorer.
Whoopee OPERA!
Did I mention fuck Internet Explorer?
Fuck that shit entirely.
M, out...
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