Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm Moving On

For the most part I've scaled down my huge game plan to something I can handle.
The website is up but still hidden until I work the last of the kinks out.
It's really simple, none of the FLASH BANG POW I initially envisioned.
But it's mine.
All mine.
I control it. I maintain it. I tweak it. I install it. I fight the database.
I like this feeling.
I've been on the borderline between livid and estatic for days.
All the personal growth in the world doesn't change the reality that into each person's life a little bullshit may fall.
My bullshit?
I gotta get my shit together... I have been getting my shit together but check it: MY SHIT.
Not whatever the fuck everyone else thinks my shit should be.
I can't control everyone. I can't beat everyone's ass. I can't help the blind see.

Anyway, I'm not gonna get all into it.
I won't be on here much longer (well, I'll be posting teasers that nav over to the site).
When I go live, y'all should come visit me.
I think it will be more fun than here since I'm probably going to really let it all hang out...

M, gone
P.S. I saw a picture of you today that made me think to myself "God you are so fucking whack."

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