Saturday, June 24, 2006

Way Past

My bedtime...

I think I officially have code burned into my retinas and I'm not any closer to cracking the proper use of framesets.

I've got a craving for pistachio ice cream but I'm way too tired to walk to the store and it's after 3 unholy o'clock in the morning.

The livingroom is too cold and the bedroom is too hot

Anything on demand is the shit. I managed to watch 2 movies in an hour and twenty minutes. I think the double arrow from the fastforward button is indented in my finger.

Playing Red Rover in the streets as an adult is hella fun. Especially in the rain

Text messages are one of the best things those damned people at Sprint have to offer. At least they did something right (but they still suck ass). Each message I got tonight made me cheese grin as if I were from Wisconsin.

Finally getting the hang of flash and swish. It's hard as hell but fun when it works.

As usual, I need a damn haircut. If it's long enough that I have to brush it, it's too damned long.

I need to take a trip cross-country like soon and not to gamble... *sigh*

I think I'll just make a cup of tea and go to bed, because I just realized that if this were a phonecall, I'd be babbling.

night y'all

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