Friday, June 23, 2006

This Can't Be For Real

oh shit...

Man this must be the week for dumb bitches doing dumb shit. Ahahahaha.

So I hear tell an ex-friend is STILL talking shit about me.
Now I know I shouldn't believe anything that I don't hear from the horse's mouth but the last time I was told that she was clicking her discolored teeth together and my name was coming from between them it was true. Even better when I asked the tart to keep my name out of her mouth the dame replied that she would say whatever she pleased... via email. Fuckin net thug. Then ran and told her peoples (who the only real chicks I know in that clique) because she know she don't swing no bolos. Oh man oh man...
Ahahahahaha whew
You flat-assed, hairy-chinned, bum bitch. Ya jokin right?
oh lord

Between ex-friends, ex-lovers, chubby bitches I don't even know, punk ass dudes, sentimental sissies, liars, sensitive ass clowns, non-rhythmic/funny dancin fools, man boobs, bad ass kids outside the building, net thugs, myspace haters, bitches with bad weaves and ugly motherfuckers I've got my hands full...
It's nice to be popular

Yeah. I said it. So what?
I'll be that bitch...

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