Saturday, June 17, 2006

Quick Note

Listen people, we are all grown ups. We do and say what we mean whether it be foolishly or not.
You cannot tell someone you didn't mean to hurt them when you knew exactly what you were doing while shit was going down.

I have heard that shit exactly 8 fucking times this week and not just from members of the opposite sex. It's fucking rediculous. Own your shit. Damn.

I ain't perfect. I'm a complete fuck up. I'm also good people (well, when I'm not busy being bad). Sometimes shit happens that I don't intend to have the effect that it did but I OWN the fallout that my actions caused because I should have FUCKING THOUGHT BEFORE I ACTED.

Think before you act or don't and deal with the consequences with minimal bellyaching.

To everyone who has said that "I didn't mean to" shit to me this week: Fuck your WHOLE lifestyle.
Word up.

I said it. I'm good.... Now we can move on.

- n I'm out, gonna wear them shorts if it kill me

P.S. Ok I'm a semi-hypocrite because I have been guilty of the same crime before but I can honestly say not anymore and not in a long ass while. Gotta tell the truth.

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