Monday, June 19, 2006

Weekend Warrior

I don't have much time so I won't go into detail.

The weekend included, but was not limited to:
A long ass ride to Bk (this shit has GOT to stop), a beautiful garden party filled with enough couples to make even the most stalwart heart quail, One watered down vodka and me with an attitude (bitch I know my booze), a trip back to Manhattan to meet up with people that I should have stayed the hell away from, 3 people acting like I did them a disservice by cutting my own hair (dudes, wtf!!!), mooching ass chicks that heard the word "bottle" and wouldn't go away, the phrase "let me see your feet" along with teaching that your feet do not have to move to dance, Kdot getting shit faced and calling out some broad with an "open wound", Lindsay's random conversations and 2 chicks that stood around yapping until 5:30 am (you can't be fucking serious!).

And what would the weekend be without me making an ass of myself at least once? At least this time it was in private... sort of. (Me + 1 ex-lover)alchohol/staying up past my bedtime= some seriously hurt feelings.

True story #137: Waterproof mascara is no match for the saline in tears. Sheesh.

Life lesson #4,879: Ex-lovers make lousy friends but great enemies. I think that's the road I'm gonna take. Evil Bitch switch flipped to ON.

So I'll get to the goods when I have more time. Suffice it to say, it was interesting if nothing else. At least I learned another life lesson that I am going to enjoy using.

And once again for shits and giggles (because it's so damn accurate):
I am 92% Asshole/Bitch.
Total Asshole or Bitch!
I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic as an acid bath....

- outta here, typing til my fingers hurt....

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