Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pure Venom

Saturday evening, theme song: Don't Want No Problems

Here I am aggravated as all icy hell because I can't get the frameset template to save and resolve properly, not to mention I've got server issues and the new splash page has gone kablooey. I decide to come by my blog and see what gives when I happen to notice this bullshit and have to ask my self: WHY ARE PEOPLE FUCKIN WITH ME THIS WEEK? Damn.

Aight, you wanted a reaction? Here it go...

Nice would have been me not having to waste time posting this shit...

unfortunately life ain't always nice. It was one thing to get an anonymous comment but the link was just way too much to bear. Because the link exposed the person that tried to remain anonymous. And now I know who the fuck you are... and you're still a fucking coward with that anonymous comment bullshit.

I mean really. Ya gotta be kidding me right? I don't need bullshit compliments from anyone... 'specially not from some fake ass "unknown" motherfucker. Fan since March 2005? There are no March 2005 posts up here... I've only been a member since April, ya big dummay. And fan? I could give a fuck if you cured cancer, I wouldn't be your fan because I wouldn't give a fuck enough about your life to know that you had accomplished anything. Then you take it upon yourself to link my blog? For what? We don't know each other like that and by all accounts neither one of us could give a fuck. Don't you know that Blogger let's you search through it's database for people who link to each other? You fucking idiot. Obviously by your comment, you've been keepin a bespectacled eye my ass since last year so you knew where the fuck I was, why'd you decide to dumb out and link me? Bored? Or is it that you wanted to see what would happen. I'll even go out on a limb and say that you may have even enjoyed my writing to some degree or another, but considering the fact that I don't care for you or your homeboy (which you know for a hardcore fact), you should have just stayed your ass lurking in the shadows... or maybe there wasn't a tree big enough for your ass to hide behind. I don't know. But I do know you asked for it. And you got it. And feel free to shoot back at me. There ain't shit you can say about me that I ain't already said about myself. Twice. There's a long ass line of people that dislike my little yellow bony ass - feel free to get on the end of it. Word up. Last time I checked the end of it was somewhere in Hanoi. I'd say your best bet is to go work out them dimples and kinks that are plaguing you so you can fit in them shorts. Enjoy your summer. Work right the fuck through it.

Told my best friend about this shit and had a good laugh. I think he's still laughing.

Nice would have been to write the inital post sending it's message and not have to come back and see that sometimes people can't seem leave well enough alone... so once again I ask: Don't motherfuckers got rocks to go kick or something?

Seriously... doesn't SadSack have a woman to call a savage, or a beer to go drink. Or someone's head to go play with? sheesh. I BEEN left his sad ass alone and none of this would be happening if it were not for:

Who don't seem to get it. Don't she have some child support to fight for? Or a back burner to worry about being on? Or some spring cleaning to do? Sheesh. Beat it. I mean really. I guess no one told her that I am not the one to joust words with... she better ask somebody

The two of them... unbelievable.

Especiall since SadSack knows me personally and knows I am really not the type to back down. I remember once upon a time when SadSack and I were sorta cool we talked about picking the right battles. Well seeing as how I wasn't even partially interested in either one of their lives and a bitch still kept an eye on me, this is a battle that I am certainly enjoying.

The two of them need to go sit on a ledge and play with each other's thumbs.

I hope this shit is done (which I thought it was 'til I saw these comments) but if it's not then I'm down for the ride

Just waiting for a motherfucker to say something else. Please.
Building my website is whooping my ass and considering the mood I'm in, I'd be more than happy to talk some more shit...

Thanks for the "compliments"
Fuck y'all too.

P.S. - this particular blast will come down when the parties involved decide to keep it moving. I walked away long ago - ya shoulda let sleeping bitches be

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