Sunday, June 25, 2006


Someone get me a bandaid big enough to cover my brain. Or call a priest. There's some evil afoot.

After all the work I put in, the damn site still won't display correctly. Why, I don't exactly know. It looked fine when I previewed it in the browser but when uploaded it I get BUPKIS.


And the server is still down. Ok, maybe I'll just blame it on that since I can't get to Afropunk or my webmail either.

Yeah, that's it... blame it on the server

I'm so very, very angry.

I'm going to go take an early morning walk and try not to bite the heads off puppies.

2:13 pm update
Fuck frames... tables it is.

3:44 pm update
Server back up, splash page sorta working, damn tables won't let anchor tag target a particular cell within the home document - what a pain in my ass, gonna have to fight it out with div tags, caught up with Nine though so I'm a little happier.
Back to the grind dammit

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