Thursday, June 15, 2006

Damned Rain...

Why is it every friggin time I whip out those scandalous shorts, it rains? I know it's some kind of "keep ya damn clothes on" message from up high, but come on, what fun is life if you can't show a little leg...

Hey wait a minute... it's kind of warm... wet legs can be sexy...
I gotta think on that.

Tonight, theme song: I'm only happy when it rains

Southpaw presents:

Seeing as how I bumped into Von Pea (Hey Von, Aunt Linda don't play that shit) rather rudely @ Nublu last week, the least I can do is go support... It also helps that Che Grand will be there and I dig him too. So come on out y'all..

I'll work out the issue with the shorts/dress/shorts/dress oh dammit, I'll pick one.

- n I'm out, making tough fashion decisions

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