Thursday, June 22, 2006

Working Through It

Thursday morning, theme song: Pretty Noose

Once upon a time (to this day) in a land that becomes harder to remember as the moments go by, there lived a parasite that we shall call SadSack. He had the mind of a mad genius, the instincts of a predator and the voice of a beast. SadSack's most deadly weapon was the ability to cloud the senses and control the hearts of those who got too close to his territory with words. And like a true spider, he wrapped his victims in silken threads that felt good to the touch, but grew tight if they struggled and before long they would be firmly ensnared. He wove upon his vicious loom so finely that the unaware would not see the trap before they were caught.
One day along came a Ladybug, trundling along on a bum leg with a torn wing. Tired, she was caught by the web not nocticing the other cocoons that littered it when she decided to rest a spell. Of course SadSack was drawn to her and began to weave her a prison as soon as he realized she was caught. She fought valiantly to wrest herself from her bonds as the chords of hurt, abject self-pity, false promises and hidden detriment were thrown around her. SadSack, in the meantime, rejoiced because broken ladybugs were like ambrosia to him, though he was by far, no god.
Unbeknowst to SadSack, this was no ordinary ladybug. Actually it was a shapeshifting creature constantly in the process of metamorphosis (as a matter of fact, she still changes). Wrapped head to toe in ropes of bullshit, the LadyBug stopped fighting and became still while she thought. She had escaped deadlier traps than this, having bested flesh-eating plants, thorns and tangleweeds. She had even defeated ferocious carnivores that sought her life for a meal. And once again, within this cocoon, she changed, shedding her ectoskeleton for skin that leaked vitriol on command,that burned through the bonds and released the newly formed sprite. She spread her still wet wings and flew away.
Every once in a while she flew back and always, there was SadSack, sitting on his web dripping venom. Everytime she hovered near he would throw out a thread that caught her leg and an attempt was made to reel her in. But now she no longer struggled. Instead she simply unsheathed her keen epee and cut herself loose, laughing as she flew off.
After yet another change, the imp she became stopped visiting that part of the jungle since, on last peek through the foliage she spied SadSack, still on his web. Still dripping the same venom.

What does this all mean? Well, most of you shouldn't care since I certainly don't past the 8 minutes it took me to write this. However, it is specific to a few.

SadSack, I don't hate you, for to do so would be to give you more energy than you ever deserved (this missive being more than enough). I told you once that I refused to be like any other, in your life and in my own. I don't know how long it is going to take you to understand that...
There is only one man on the face of this green earth that drives me to distraction and back and even his pretty noose wears thin. Soon he too will be a what-do-you-call-it? Non-issue. There is one man that I have loved since my stripling days of lifevests hanging on walls, who I will always love and grow to love ever-more as the days grow near. There are the elite squadron of brothers, a mere handful, but still, who have known me in all of my forms since the devilish gleam in my eye is the one thing that has remained a constant. There is family who cannot be described with words. There are friends who are few since the last house-cleaning was thorough and permanent. And if the universe wills it, there will be a lover.
You, SadSack, don't fit in any of those categories and that is sad, so go sit in a corner and play with your sack. Don't say you didn't mean to, because you did...
As my boy Kels said "don't ever walk in the same place as me..."
And also, don't think I worked my brain too vigorously for the fuck you's that I dish out, I keep those in my pocket like lint. Um, yeah:
Fuck you.

And "Anonymous"... hardly. Honeygirl, it's hard to remain unseen when you put yourself out there. I have been called many dastardly things in my life but "stupid" (in the logical sense) has, to date, not been one of them. Why you "enjoy" me is a symptom of your own psycho-demic that you must figure out on your own. That you should "leave me alone" is a truth well put by your own words. There is nothing for you here. God bless you and yours but tread lightly in the halls of madness lest angels weep for your demise. With that said, please be so kind as to un-link my blog from yours.

Y'all are pure comedy. For real.

Ok people, back to our regularly-lived insanity. Sorry for the lengthy interruption but I say what I have to say, how and when I choose. Motherfuckers are lucky I don't have server-side access or shit would get Ughlaaaaaaaaaay (in here, up in here). Yup. It surely would.

The rest of the day, theme song: Just A Girl (the Mother Tongue version - sorry Gwen)

My moms travelling to retrieve my clone (yaaaaaaaaay!), them damn white shorts, Jump & Funk with Rich Medina at S.O.B.'s, Ghana playing the world cup (I'm so late, Ree's gonna kill my high yella ass), Negro Loco's complaints (aye papi, calmate!), and a long discussion about ever-hard nipples and wife beaters (shut up Haz & Ty).

- n I'm out, creating new words and worlds with each passing moment....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again.. well done!!