Monday, June 12, 2006

Win My Undying Devotion

Wishlist, entry #1

A scant few moments ago, I single-clicked the KCEasy icon in my quicklaunch bar and was rewarded by an "internal program" error dialog box. Needless to say, I uninstalled then re-installed, repeat ad nauseum.
No haps.
I'm devastated.

Someone please send me the following:
Slipping into darkness - War
I get lifted - KC and the Sunshine Band

I would be eternally grateful and in return would seek to repay the kindness somehow.
My ears are hungry for these two tunes. Feed me please.


Anonymous said...

here's one for you. posted as binary, d/l and change to an mp3 and you'll be groovin.

Mala said...

thank you Anon! I'll let ya know how it works out.