Thursday, June 08, 2006

Catching Up

Wednesday, theme song: Crazy

Blogger was down yesterday. It wasn't pretty. I was fiendin, and scratchin and itchin something terrible. I don't know which is worse, the compulsive urge to blog whenever I'm on the net or the trolling of crackspace for hour after meaningless hour. They're both pretty bad, except at least blogging is more creative. At least that is what I am trying to make myself believe so that I won't feel guilty for doing it so often.
It's working.

Tuesday night wrap up, switched theme song: Move your body

Stopped for dinner at Stanton Social, a beautiful joint populated by snooty, upper middle class assholes with attitudes. Good thing I didn't have to eat with any of them. A few Kobe burgers and herb fries later I was ready to move on with the night.
First stop: Nublu for the Dork Mag party. We got there and had to wait. I don't mean just wait on line, which is hard enough for me to do, we had to wait to get in period. If you know me or have even talked to me for half a heartbeat, you know patience is not exactly my forte. Immediately I wanted to veto the whole wait idea, but the ever-calm raines convinced me to suck up some nicotine and give it 5 minutes. 5 turned into 20. You ever wait somewhere so long that you end up feeling like you can't leave because the minute you do, something is gonna happen? I hate that shit. So we waited and eventually got in. It was well worth the wait in more ways then one.
Saw PJ's silly self inside complaining about being bored and attempting to take a nap while the Gridlock Fam performed.
Ran into Beautiful Human. That's always a pleasure. Always.
Teket walked in with his girlfriend nattily dressed in all white. Go head pimpin!
Met James by the bathroom who knows Smitty and discovered we are extended fam (love you Smitzgerald).
We were treated to the rhyme stylings of Gridlock Fam, Black Spade of Reca Sto and Von Pea of Tonya Morgan. Ill shit. Check em out if you can.
DJ's Myles, Akalepse and Nicolay tore the music out of the frame. Best part of the night even though the crowd thinned a tad after the performances ended. People just don't appreciate slammin music.

Raines and I kept it moving to RandR once again to check in on what was up with Forrest. Kara was running around with her cute self (thanks for the Grey Goose), a few people were there including some guy who insisted on dancing on a couch. Dude. This ain't NV. Just what in the cold depths of hell are you doing? After Rhyme Fest performed I blinked and the entire spot was empty. I heard crickets underlying the music. I shit you not. Best thing to do with an empty spot, great music and a mirror? Dance. So I did, with all the vain stare-at-myself I could possibly muster. I've got to remember not to wear those olive shoes though, while wedges may be in style, they're not conducive to fancy footwork. The DJ appeased my need for Fela by not only playing Shakara (you KNOW I broke fool) but Sorry Sorry as well. All things considered, it was a decent night. It's always decent when I hear Fela. No complaints here.

Back to Crazy Wednesday.

Say it with me now: A whole lotta nothing. Chilled in Bk (if you only knew how hard it is to get me to that borough) and cleaned up a lap top that had more pop-ups than there are prairie dogs in Arizona. Add to the mix a few data miners and it was a jolly old time in the land of hi-tech spyware. A little intuition, a scootch of know how and I got the laptop back into pristine shape just in time to add another addict to the growing list of Crackspace heads. Poor Raines. Pimped out my friendslist, wrote a couple of messages and pined over blogger not being available. I also won the text wars with Verse, who I warned that I control my qwerty like a master. He didn't believe me until we managed to message each other so much that his phone ran out of battery. I am the Queen of the Text. Respect my authorita. His last message: You sunk my battleship. My last message: I win.
Don't mess with me, I'm nice with mine.
I actually got a chance to note a couple of ideas that have been floating around in my head. Now with muMs on set and Luq going to Europe I'm finally gonna get a chance to develop some more stuff. If I don't I'm in trouble because good ol' Beelzebub has a nasty habit of finding bad things for me to do with my idle mind.

It was definitely a day for bad food, starting early with a horrible plate of oxtails from some joint on Nostrand and ending with Applebee's. Yes. I went to Applebee's. Straight hood. I wanna give a shout out to Candice for bringing them cosmos without spillin none. Word up.
Ok there was one good thing about Applebee's. They've got not one, but TWO happy hours. From 4-7 and 10-12 you can get half priced drinks... so if you see me up in your local Applebee's at 11 pm on a weeknight, don't say I didn't warn you.

Back at the house, stories were exchanged with a little laughter, including but not limited to Danny from Apollow Heights who we saw on Saturday. The man is a hot insanely talented mess. This fool was with us in the cab and as we passed the Chinatown "red light" district says "Hey stop the cab - Imma get me some lovin." We then proceeded to run into him at every single spot we went to after that. I adore Danny. Any man who can snatch a drink off of a table without spilling a drop is alright with me. Yeah man, I agree, I've seen the options and they are sad.

Tossing and turning ensued well into the wee hours as I wondered if I should seek out a new kitty. After the ignoble death of my last feline, I think I'll lay off the pets for a while... at least 'til the end of June if all goes well and if not, who knows. So I knocked out an outline, posted my latest dream (which I couched in a prior short portion) and blessedly fell asleep after climbing all over Leon for being up at the same ungodly hour I was. I got nerve don't I.

Thursday, theme song: Orbits

So I'm off to pick up a check, do some laundry, clean my spot up, once again try to get a damned haircut. I'm not feeling this whole "muMs on set thing" and I'm nervous about going to the barbershop. Later on I have to head back to Bk (this is becoming a not so good habit) but at least it's for a good cause. Bee with be performing her jazzy jazz at Galapagos Art Space tonight and I have got to go support my girl.

- catch me if you can

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